August 25, 2023 4 min read

Summertime, whether you're a parent or not ... makes it very hard to stick to a fitness routine. 

As a father of 3 ... it's go-go-go all summer long, and I'm looking forward to finally getting a chance to focus on myself again as the season winds down. 

And if you're anything like me, kids or not ... you've been struggling to stick to a plan throughout the summer, and that may have led to you falling off track with some of your health & fitness goals...

So since you're hopefully going to have a little more time to yourself ... I want to share with you some of the steps I take when it comes to getting back into a healthy routine.

Step #1 - Set a Goal

Now that you have some extra time for yourself, you can set some new goals.

Maybe you want to shave off a little excess summer weight (I know I do!), or maybe you want to gain some muscle ... or maybe you just want to get back to feeling a little better.

The first step to getting back into a healthy routine is simply knowing what you want to accomplish. Once you set that goal ... you can start working towards it. 

Step #2 - Plan Out Your Eating

Every health and wellness goal starts with nutrition. I know for me, if I don't have at least somewhat of an idea of what I need to be eating to see results ... I'm going to have a problem.

You need to make sure you have some type of a plan to stick with. It could be as simple as portioning out your meals & snacks. You could also get a little more advanced and track your calories and/or macros.

As long as you have a plan, that's what matters ... and this should be much easier to do with summer winding down.

Step #3 - Focus on Protein

No matter what you plan you follow for nutrition, focusing on your protein intake is going to be a great start. If you're looking to burn fat and/or build muscle ... eating enough protein is key.

Even if this was the only thing you changed upfront when getting back into your healthy routine ... it will make a huge difference.

Step #4 - Drink Water

If you want to build muscle, burn fat, or be as healthy as possible ... drinking enough water is a non-negotiable. When you drink enough water you'll have better appetite control, more energy, healthier skin, better digestion ... and countless other health benefits.

Similar to eating enough protein, if you decided to only increase your water intake & change nothing else ... you'll notice positive changes.

Step #5 - Move Your Body

I'm not necessarily talking about the gym here either ... I'm simply saying use some of the extra time you now have to move your body. I enjoy weight training myself because of all the benefits it provides, so I know I'll be using some of my extra time for that ... but something as simple as shooting for 10,000 steps per day can be extremely beneficial.

Walking is the most underrated form of exercise there is, and also has a ton of different health benefits. Find a way to move your body that you enjoy, and work on adding that to your new routine.

Step #6 - Sleep

Hopefully, with summer winding down and kids back to school ... your new schedule will allow for more of a focus on sleep.

Ideally, 7-9 hours is what you want to shoot for. There's also countless benefits to good sleep habits including appetite control, stronger immune system, lowered risk of disease, improved mood, higher energy levels ... and that's barley scratching the surface.

I know this can be tough no matter what's going on in your life ... but do your best to focus more on your sleep. It's crucial for a heathy routine.

Step #7 - Supplement

There's quite literally a supplement to help with almost every tip on this list.

That's what supplements are ... tools to help you make your routine a little easier. Struggle with eating enough protein? You can look into a meal replacement protein shake. Lacking the energy you need to get up and move? Try a pre-workout or daily energy supplement like a metabolism booster. Can't shut your mind off at night and struggle to fall asleep? Yep ... there's a supplement for that too! 

No matter what you're struggling with ... there's going to be a supplement that can help. 

Step #8 - Make Small Changes

I know for me, if I dive into too many changes at once ... I'm going to burn myself out.

You don't need to create a brand new routine in one day.

Look back at these tips and work on adding them in slowly. One day at a time, one good decision at a time ... and before you know it you'll have built new habits and created a very healthy routine for yourself.

Even with all the tips and tricks in the world ... getting back on track and into a healthy routine is tough.

I've done this many times before, and it's still never an easy thing to do.

Sometimes we just need it all mapped out for us ... and that's exactly what we can do for you.

Our sports nutrition specialists can help you set goals, plan out your eating, help you with your workouts, show you what supplements might benefit you ... and can even help you decide what changes you should focus on first, so that you see the best results.

The best part ... we'll do it all 100% FREE of charge!

Swing by your nearest S2 location and we'll be more than happy to help you get back into a healthy routine.

*This article was written by Kyle Comes. He is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and NASM Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist.